I apologize for the blog absence. We didn't really have a computer at home during the summer break and I've had a pretty busy beginning of the school year so far.
We had a great summer. Didn't really do a whole lot other than hang out at the house and play around town every once in a while.
Will turned 2 and his vocabulary has EXPLODED! We still only understand every couple of words but it's nice to finally hear something other than NO (although we still hear it A LOT!)
Ella is 8 months old and is on the MOVE! She has been crawling since she was about 5 months old (army crawling). Finally started crawling on her hands and knees about a month ago, as well as pulling up and cruising on furniture. All she wants to do more than anything is follow her brother around so I don't think it'll be long before she is walking. Right now she is getting over the flu, and while it's been a rough week I know it could have been so much worse so we are definitely counting our blessings.
I have tons of pics from the summer and the last month that I will try to download soon. I hope to really start updating this blog more. These pics are ones that Grammie took over the summer so I'll leave you with these for now.
We got the waterslide out at Will's b-day party but he wouldn't go down it by himself. Brandon and Uncle Matt took turns going down with him.
She looks scared
On August 16, 2009 we had Will and Ella's dedication at church. After church we had Will's 2nd birthday party at Brandon's mom's house. It was such a great day of celebrating our kids and spending time with family.
Ella and Pastor Tommy
(Tommy was the youth pastor when Brandon was in the youth group, so this was pretty special)
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