Will is 2 now and is no longer my chunky baby. He weighs over 30 pounds but has gotten taller and has really thinned out. Now he looks like such a big boy and not my little baby. His vocabulary has really exploded. We still only understand every few words but he has these long elaborate sentences and we wish desperately that we knew what he was saying because we know it's got to be something really important. When Ella first came along Will wasn't too sure about her. He was almost a little scared of her and kind of stayed away. Now that Ella is playing more and more and is a lot more mobile, he likes to play with her. BUT, he has also started to get a tad bit jealous of her. Any toy that is hers he has to play with too. Her bouncy seat, the jumper, bumbo seat, even her swing he feels he has to get in if she isn't in it. And we try to get on to him but sometimes it's really funny to see this 30 pound 2 year old trying to sit in an infant swing. He is for the most part really good with Ella. Finally in the last couple of weeks he has really started to play with her, and his favorite thing to do is hold her hand and try to make her laugh. He is a great big brother. He also LOVES his cousins. He constantly says "Kade" because he wants to go play with them so bad. Whenever they are together he follows him everywhere and they play and play and play. I'm looking forward to watching out they interact together as they get older.
Ella is MOBILE!! and FAST!! She has mastered crawling on her hands and knees, and is pulling up and cruising all along the furniture. She adores her brother. LOVES LOVES LOVES him, and thinks he is so funny. She follows him everywhere, and I'm pretty sure that it won't be long before she is walking because she wants to keep up with him so bad. She is definitely a spirited child but is also very sweet, and very happy. And She smiles A.LOT.
She really doesn't like bows very much, and this is really the only one she has. I think it's ridiculously big but looks oh so cute on her.

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