Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 27, 2008

New stuff

We kept our nephew Kade this week and Will has had a BLAST having him here. Not to sure Kade has had as much fun with Will following him around everywhere he goes, but they both seemed to enjoy each others company.

Took Will swimming for the first time on Sunday and he LOVED it. Stayed in there for hours splashing and floating around. He didn't even mind water in his face. We figure he wouldn't mind the water too much with as much as he loves bathtime but it was amazing. Here are some pics from Sunday with Will's cool new float.

He's such a big boy now. He feeds himself and drinks out of a sippy cup like a pro.

Even he want to pinch those cheeks :-)
Bathtub Mohawk
Loves his rubber ducky
His new favorite activity, accompanied by banging the pot on the ground and yelling.

Monday, June 16, 2008

10 months old

Well, he's 10 months old now. Only 2 more months until his 1st birthday. What can I say about him other than he is awesome. He is just the sweetest, funniest, good natured, fun loving little boy I've been around. Really he is great. We love him more than anything in the world, there aren't even words to describe it.
He is getting more and more independent by the day. He would much rather feed himself then eat any kind of baby food off of a spoon, which had me worried that he wasn't eating enough, but his doctor assured me that he wasn't going to be starving himself. We went to the doctor a little over a week ago because he got thrush (AGAIN! This was the 3rd time) and he weighed 24 1/2 pounds and was 29 3/4 inches long. Growing big and strong. I love being home with him and I pretty sure he feels the same way and we have quickly settled into a pretty good routine. I look forward to a busy summer ahead.

Almost too big for the swing, but he loves it!
His favorite spot.
He thinks I'm funny :-)
He's precioius
Peek a boo
I didn't do it!
If you look close you can see his 1 tooth

In November of 2000 I was in college. I was in the middle of taking my first Political Science class (the first of many) during what turned out to be one of the most historic presidential date anyway. I stayed up late watching NBC, and during their coverage Tim Russert taught the viewing public (myself included) how the electoral process worked using a dry erase board. He taught it and explained it better than my own Poli Sci professor did!! Plus, he had all kinds of modern technology at his disposal, and he used a dry erase board. Classic.
Those that know me well, know that I have a passion for politics. So passionate, in fact, that many refuse to discuss politics with me. Well, except for my parents, and we really only talk about issues we agree on. On Friday, the world lost what I would say is the most influential political journalist of this time. In the last 72 hours I have watched countless programs about what a remarkable human being Tim Russert was. And he was remarkable. He will be greatly missed. This election is going to be one of historic magnitude, and the coverage of it will not be the same without him.

Tim Russert


Monday, June 2, 2008

Picture Crazy

Playing with the leapfrog table (best.toy.ever)
About to try to pull on the trash can
"I think I'll call him Mini Me" :-)
Will and MeMe at his recital
Bath time fun
Will and his Aunt Amanda Kay