Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

8 months old!!!

Beautiful eyelashes Gettin some love from his Daddy
Runs like a Deere :-)
Still no teeth
Crawling to his toys
"I'm tired now"

Will is 8 months old today. I can't believe it's going by so fast. He is doing so well and has marked so many milestones. He is a big boy too. He weighs about 22 pounds and is 28 inches longs. He is also wearing 12-18 month clothes. Definitely the biggest kid in his class at school. We are now having to chase him around everywhere. No, he's not walking yet, but he is definitely crawling pretty quickly. He can get up on his knees to crawl, but prefers the army crawl, and goes much faster in reverse that going forward. We are still toothless, but from the sleepless nights we've gotten for the past week, we are hoping and praying that they are coming soon. Will had been doing really well and sleeping through the night but for the past week he has taken to screaming at 3 in the morning. The only thing that seems to calm him down is getting in bed with mommy and daddy, and well, I can't be held accountable for making rational decisions in the middle of the night so he's gotten in bed with us. I'm sure I'm setting us up for some bad habits, but sleep is GOOD!! Thats about all thats going on around here. We still haven't closed on the house. I'mfrustrated about it, but there isn't much I can do, it's not in my hands. Hopefully my next updates will be about our renovations on our new home.

The many hats of Will Lamb

Mommy's little ball player

He didn't really like this one
He is so cute


Jacquie said...

He is so cute. I can't believe how big he's gotten!

NicoleC said...

He's just SO cute!