Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 25, 2008

6 months old

Well he's actually a little older than 6 months now, but on his 6 month birthday we all had a bad virus, and Will also got pink eye, which was not fun. Last week we were starting to get better and this week we are finally all better (and praying that we stay that way). We went to the doctor on 2/15 (for the pink eye, not his 6 month shots) and Will weighed almost 21 lbs and was 27 1/2 inches long. He certainly is momma's big ole boy. Here's some pics. Hope you enjoy.
Go Stros!!!
Lots of drool, but still no teeth
I love my Grammy!!!
Playing with Daddy's hat!! This is his Elvis smile :)
I think he looks like me in this pic
Geaux Tigers
Those cheeks are so kissable!!
Finally got my big boy high chair
Will's first Valentine's day
His shirt say "Johnny Cash: Crawl the line"

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rough week

It has been a pretty rough week in our house. On Monday I just happened to go visit Will at daycare during my conference period. My favorite girl in there (and she's my favorite because she LOVES Will and takes excellent care of him) told me he was fighting eating and she looked in his mouth and thought that he had thrush. So I looked and he had in on his tongue and on the inside of his lips. So we went to the doctor that afternoon and got some medicine. He didn't eat real well that day but still slept through the night so it wasn't making him that uncomfortable. Tueday he was really good at daycare, still didn't eat a whole lot but he was okay. Tuesday night he went to sleep about 8:00 and woke up at about 11:30 and was sick. He was really stopped up and congested, having trouble breathing and was choking a little when he would cough if he was laying on his back. He also ran a little bit of a fever which definitely scared me but after a little tylenol it went down. He was just miserable and neither of got much sleep. I ended up calling into work and taking him to the doctor again for the second time this week. He got some antibiotics but is still pretty congested. Doc said we could give him some Robitussin which made him kind of sleepy but I think it made him feel better because he ate better and slept through the night last night. I'm so glad Grammy and Papa D are home. They are lifesavers and are watching him today so he didn't have to go back to the germy daycare, but he'll be back there tomorrow. I'm sure the ladies there are missing their little buddy.
I just hate seeing my happy baby so miserable like that. Just praying that he gets better soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend.