Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 6, 2009

My cute boy

Messy eater
Lovin on his sister

He is a great big brother

Will and Daddy going to the rodeo

Cowboy Will

Reading the Stevie Ray Vaughan autobiography :-)
He is super smart :-)

Sitting in his sisters chair

Silly boy in his sisters car seat

Telling Ella something very important

Fell asleep in his chair, just like his daddy :-)

Astros baby

Momma cute boy

Looking at the map at the Children's Festival

Daddy and Will at the Festival

Will loves to go to the park to play.
We try to go whenever the weather is nice

Will is almost 20 months old now and is such a ham. He is almost always laughing and smiling and acting silly. He is really sweet and a great big brother. He loves his little sister and is really great with her. Always giving her hugs and kisses and making sure she is okay. He does have his moments when he throws tantrums. We have definitely hit the terrible two's a little bit but nothing too unbearable.
On Feb. 9th Will had an ultrasound on his kidney's to check on them. Will was born with a non functional, multicystic right kidney. Everything looks good with them. The left kidney is getting larger, which is good, it means that it is taking over the function of the right one. This is what we wanted to hear. We will still continue to see the specialist twice and year and will have ultrasounds to continue to monitor the progress. But Will continues to grow big and is very healthy! He weighs over 30 pounds!!!

2 months old!!

Ella is 2 months old today!!! I can't believe it. I came back to work today and it was hard to leave her but I know that she's in good hands and spending quality time with her Grammie and Papa D. Only 8 weeks until summer vacation!!!
She goes for her 2 month check up on Thursday so I'm not sure how much she weighs but my guess is around 12 or 13 pounds. She a cute little chunk :-)
Here are some pics from her first 2 months:
"Major Cutie"

Snug as a bug in a rug

I love tiny toes

Takin' a nap with her Papa

My pretty princess flippin me off
First smiles

I'm back!!

I'm sorry for my blog absence! Our home computer has been down for quite some time so I wasn't able to keep the blog updated while I was on maternity leave.
I had Ella a little bit earlier then planned. My schedule c-section was set for February 11th but she decided to make her grand entrance on February 6th.
Here is how it all went down.
Monday Feb. 2nd thru Thursday Feb. 5th I had a nasty virus, but I still worked all week. What can I say, I'm hardcore like that :-) but Friday Feb. 6th was suppose to be my last day of work before I started maternity leave and I wanted to make sure that everything was ready to go. The virus really sucked though and I felt horrible all week. Luckily my mom is the greatest and came over every afternoon to help me with Will since I was feeling so yucky. She kept telling me to call my dr. but I had an appt for Thursday so I decided to wait it out. Went to the dr. on Thursday and got checked, wasn't dialated or effaced, so we were all set for the c-section the following Wednesday. I told the dr. about the virus and he just told me to go on clear liquids, stay as hydrated as possible, and it should go away. That evening the virus got progressively worse and I started have cramps really bad. Around 6:30pm I called the dr. and he just said to stay hydrated, the cramps were probably from the exam or the virus. The cramps turned into contractions that were coming at regular intervals. I didn't realize they were contractions because I had never had contractions before. Finally around 12:30am they got extremely painful and weren't going away so I called the dr. again and he told us to go to the hospital and get checked out. By the time we got everything together and dropped Will off at my parents it was 2am before we got to the hospital. My contractions were coming every 3-6 minutes and I was dialated to a 1. My doctor thought that dehydration was causing my contrations so told the nurses to start an IV with fluids and thought that would stop the contractions (I was so dehydrated that it took over 30 minutes, several sticks, and several nurses to find a vein to do an IV in). At 4:15 am, after an hour of fluids, my contractions were closer together, and I was dialated to a 3, so they set up the c-section for 5am!!! I called my mom to get there as fast as she could. Luckily, because of lab work I didn't go in right at 5 and my mom got there just in time. Ella Lee was born at 6am. She weighed 8lbs 14oz and was 19 inches long.