Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 10, 2008


For those of you that don't know yet, I'M PREGNANT!!! I KNOW!! Crazy. It's still pretty early, I'm only about 7 weeks along. I wanted to wait a little longer to tell people but my cute husband has already told everyone he knows and posted it on his myspace page, so I figured I might as well tell people too :-) We are really excited. I'm due on February 24th but I'll have a c-section so it'll be sometime before then. Hopefully the 13th right Mom ;-) haha Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Will update:
He is almost 11 months old, and even though he is quite the handful, he is such a great baby. He is very nosy, and always has to know whats going on around him. Loves to explore, and pretty much has no fear. He isn't walking yet but it's only a matter of time. He is starting to stand independently for longer and longer periods of time. I've seen him take like one step but then he realizes what he's doing and falls down. So I think he'll be walking soon. His 2nd tooth just cut through on the bottom next to his first one. Man, was that an ordeal. TEETHING SUCKS!!!
I can't believe he is almost 1. The year has flown by.